にかかわる => Relating to A, concerning A N1
Considering/ Concerning
にかかわる => Relating to A, concerning A N2
Considering, Concerning
にかえる => Return to do something N4
Secondary Verb
に[限「かぎ」]る => A is the best N2
Information, Report
からすると => Considering A... N2
Considering, Concerning
べからざる => Cannot A N1
Potential, Possibility
からある,からの => Over A (stresses large amounts) N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
ようになる/なくなる => Become… N3
Time, Situation
かける => Is doing, haven't finished yet N2
Will, Decision, “Doing”
くする/にする => To make, to change into N5
Change, cause and effect
にたる,にたりる => Enough to/for A, Sufficient for A, Worthy of A N1
から~にかけて => From A through B N3
Time, Situation