[気味「きみ」]だ => Like A, Looking like A (is happening) N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
ときているから/ときているので => because of ~ N1
気味 => -like; -looking; -looked; tending to ~ N2
のが好き/のが嫌い => Like (doing something)/Hate (doing something) N4
気にもならない => it's no use; can't do N1
に気がつく => to notice; to realize N4
きらい => Hate... N5
たるべきもの => have the capacity to be a... N1
Of course
一気に => in one go; without stopping; all at once; immediately; instantly; right away ~ N2
いただきます => to receive N4
~きわまる/きわまりない(~極まる/極まりない)      => extremely; very ~ N1
[極「きわ」]み/[極「きわ」]まりない => Extremely A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount