に行く/に来る/に帰る => go/arrive/go back (to do something) N5
にする => にする N4
にV-ます => Frequency N5
Repetition, habit
さすがに => understandably N2
Base, base
せいにする => Blame... N2
Cause, reason
にV-ます => Starting point N5
Starting point
~く/ ~にする      => to make something ~ N4
Add meaning
...にします => to decide on N4
Determined, determined
...を...にする => to make something ~ N4
Purpose, target
にあげます => give, take N5
Give it away
すぐにでも => right now N3
Short period of time
くする/にする/ようにする => to make something ~, to decide on, to try to; to make sure that ~ N4