べき => should do; must do ~ N3
すき => to like... N5
べきだ/べきではない => Should do A; Must do A, Should not do A; Must not do A N3
Needs, Requirement
たるべきもの => have the capacity to be a... N1
Of course
~すべがない      => there is no way, cannot do N1
~てしかるべきだ      => should; appropriate; it is natural to do ~ N1
とでもいうべき => It must be said, it can be said N1
For example, simile
いただきます => to receive N4
べつに => separately N2
ように言う/頼む/注意する/伝える => to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach. N3
~べし => need, of course N1
Of course
べつだんの => particular; special N2