~もどうぜんだ(~も同然だ)      => just like; same as ~ N1
…けれど => Explanation N3
けれど => but; however; although N4
How to say the beginning
けれど => but; however; although N4
Things do not match the prediction
も同然 => just like; same as ~ N2
全然~ない => (not) at all N4
も[同然「どうぜん」]だ => The same as saying A, as good as A N2
Adjectival, Descriptions
どれですか => Which one N5
けれども => but; however; although ~ N4
How to say the beginning
それほど => to that extent N2
Base, base
~はどう(で)あれ      => however; whatever​ ~. N1
それどころか => on the contrary N2
Emphasis on degree