だけしか~ない => only N3
[決「けっ」]して~ない => Won’t, isn’t N3
Will, Decision, Doing
なければならない/なくてはならない/なければいけない/なくてはいけない/なければだめ/なくてはだめ => must N5
ていけない => Suddenly... N3
なけりゃ => If not ... N2
Condition (hypothetical condition)
なるたけ => as much as possible N3
Limit, limit
なしに(は)/なしで(は) => without; without doing ~ N1
だけしか => Only A can B , Nothing except N3
Not only, Not even
だけましだ => It’s better than; One should feel grateful for ~ N2
しかしながら => however, nevertheless N2
Things do not match the prediction
[使「し」][役「えき」][受「う」]け[身「み」] => Imperative N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
なければ ~ない => must do something; have to do something N4
Conditions (necessary conditions)