可能形 => Potential form N4
の下で/の下に => under; with ~ N2
甲斐がない/甲斐(も)なく => it's not worth one's efforts to do something N2
以下 => As follows, below N3
に先立って => before; prior to ~ N2
に[先立「さきだ」]って/に[先立「さきだ」]ち/に[先立「さきだ」]つ => Before A occurs/takes place N2
Time, Situation
甲斐がある => It’s worth one’s efforts to do something N2
を契機に => as a good opportunity/chance to N2
を[機「き」]に => Use A as an opportunity N1
Time, Situation
のが下手 => to be bad at doing something N5
て[下「くだ」]さる => Do for someone N4
Give and take advice
に先駆けて => prior to; to be the first (pioneer); being ahead of ~ N1