ずくめ => completely; entirely; nothing but ~ N1
ずくめ => Completely A, entirely A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
めく => seems; show signs of; to have the appearance of ~ N1
めく => seems; show signs of; to have the appearance of ~ N1
Position, perspective
めく => To show signs of A, to give the appearance of A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
なければならない/なくてはならない/なければいけない/なくてはいけない/なければだめ/なくてはだめ => must N5
~んがため(に)/~んがための      => in order to ~ N1
~づめだ      => full of N1
ため => In order to, for N4
Purpose, target
めったな => hardly; rarely; seldom N2
せめて => at least; at most ~ N2
ため(に) => For, because… N4
Cause and Effect