ときているから/ときているので => because of ~ N1
をかわきりに => Starting with A N1
にひきかえ => In contrast to A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
~にひきかえ      => compared to; in contrast to; unlike; while; whereas ~ N1
あかつきには => After A then B N1
Time, Situation
きらい => Hate... N5
むき => facing towards N3
すき => to like... N5
~てしかるべきだ      => should; appropriate; it is natural to do ~ N1
~かと思いきや => contrary to expectations; or so we thought, but ~ N1
Things do not match the prediction
~あかつきには      => After A, good thing/result B will happen/occur N1
~きわみ => the utmost N1
Limit, limit