否定形 => Negative form N5
Conjugate verbs
... 前に => Before ... N4
Relationship before and after
予定だ => plan to, intend to N4
が必要 => need; necessary N4
直ちに => at once; immediately; directly; in person; automatically ~ N2
... 前に => ... in front of, before N4
Relationship before and after
前に => before; in front of ~ N5
必要がある => Need/Need to N4
を前提に => On the premise of N1
手前 => considering; before; in front of; one’s standpoint N1
~[前「まえ」]に => Before N/Vる(occurs/happens) N5
[要「よう」]するに => A. In short/put simply, B N2
Adjectival, Descriptions