かも[知「し」]れない => Might A, maybe A, perhaps A N3
Sentence Endings
のを知っていますか => Do you know...? N4
には…なり => suitable; in one's own way / style N1
Related, corresponding
...はむりだ... => impossible N4
...なりなんなり... => any,anything,whatever N1
...なり...なり => [A] or [B] or~ N1
よりほか(は)ない => to have no choice but ~ N2
ばかりはいられない => can’t keep doing ~ N2
~ は...なり => ~In a way (to the best of my ability...) N1
Limit, limit
つもりはない => have no intention to / didn't mean to ~ N3
なり~なり => A or B N1
Lists, examples
限り(は)/限り(では) => as long as; while… is the case; as far as; while ~ N2