ぶり => style; manner; way​ N1
ぶりに => for the first time in (period of time) N3
たぶん => Maybe... N4
たぶん => perhaps; probably N4
... ばかり => About … N2
More or less in quantity
~ぶんには => If it's just within range...then N1
~ぶんには(~分には) => as long as ~ N1
ぶり => The condition/state of A, The first time B has been done in A (period of time) N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
ばかりだ => Just N3
Result status
... ばかり => only; just ~ N2
For example, simile
~ぶん (だけ) => in proportion to; just as much as N1
Related, corresponding
ばかり => only; nothing but ~ N3