再び => again; once more N2
~にてらして(に照らして)      => according to; in view of; in light of ~ N1
~ならびに => and (also),both ... and, as well as N1
たび(に) => whenever; every time ~ N3
及び => and; as well as ~ N2
たびに => Every time N3
Time, Situation
~によらず      => regardless of ~ N1
~にしのびない (~に忍びない)      => cannot bring oneself (to do); unable to bear ~ N1
いまさらながら => Still ... now N3
さえ...たら => Just...is enough N3
Conditions (sufficient conditions)
させてください/させてもらえますか/させてもらえませんか => please let me do N3
さらに => furthermore; again; more and more ~ N3