切る/切れる/切れない => to do something completely to the end/unable to do; too much to finish/complete N3
切る => Give up, stop... N3
Happens next
[切「き」]れない => Can't finish/complete A N3
Potential, Possibility
~になれる      => to be used to, become N3
~をかわきりに(~を皮切りに)      => One after another; starting with ~ N1
によると / によれば => according to ~ N3
Base, base
によれば/によると => according to ~ N3
たしかに/なるほど~かもしれない => might; perhaps N3
に~られる => Being (troubled/disturbed/annoyed/bothered) N3
に慣れる => to be used to something N3
~と(も)なると/と(も)なれば => ~Just, whenever, once N1
Condition (hypothetical condition)
ようになる/なくなる => Become… N3
Time, Situation