わけても => Especially N1
とりわけ => especially; above all ~ N3
Emphasis on degree
わけだ => It means (in other words) N3
~というわけだ => This means~ N1
わけだ => As you know (affirming a fact) N3
Change the way you speak
~わけない      => there is no way that; it is impossible to ~ N3
にわたって/にわたり => Over the course of A (continuous action), Throughout A N2
Time, Situation
なるたけ => as much as possible N3
Limit, limit
わけがない => there is no way that; it is impossible to ~ N3
にわたって => throughout; over a period of ~ N2
かたわら => While doing A, (B) N1
Information, Report
にかけたら => Particularly in terms of... N2
Position, perspective