[終「お」]わる => To finish A; A ends N4
Secondary Verb
[極「きわ」]み/[極「きわ」]まりない => Extremely A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
わりに => Considering A, B N2
Considering, Concerning
わりに => Considering A, B (unexpected) N3
Considering, Concerning
をかわきりに => Starting with A N1
までだ/までのことだ => Only A (will be done) N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
も[構「かま」]わず => Without considering A N2
Considering, Concerning
てもかまわない => No problem N4
Can, Should, Must
あまり~ない => Not very ~ N5
にわたって/にわたり => Over the course of A (continuous action), Throughout A N2
Time, Situation
でござる/でございます => By, with… N4
[極「きわ」]まる => Extremely A, could not be more A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions