と考えられる/と考えられている => one can think that; it is conceivable that; considered ~ N2
... と考られる => one can think that; it is conceivable that; considered ... N3
... と考えられている => one can think that; it is conceivable that; considered ~ N2
... ものと考えられる => one can think that; it is conceivable that; considered ~ N2
Of course
... ものと考えられている => one can think that; it is conceivable that; considered ... N2
Of course
…ものと考えられている => one can think that; it is conceivable that; considered ... N2
Of course
によると / によれば => according to ~ N3
Base, base
によれば/によると => according to ~ N3
に~られる => Being (troubled/disturbed/annoyed/bothered) N3
に慣れる => to be used to something N3
~になれる      => to be used to, become N3
ところによると / よれば => According to.. N3
Base, base