[合「あ」]う => To do A together/mutually N4
Secondary Verb
ぐらいのものだ => Only A N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
の+ [至「いた」]り => Very A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount
たいものだ => Want to A N2
Will, Decision, “Doing”
と[言「い」]うのは => Means, is N3
Information, Report
ものの => Although A... N2
というものではない => Not sure, not means N2
Information, Report
ないものでもない/ないでもない => A is not completely impossible N1
の => Question N5
か~ないかのうちに => Right after A, C N2
Time, Situation
ことのないように => So as not to A N1
Will, Decision, Doing
というものだ => Shows an especially strong conviction A of the speaker N2
Information, Report