受身形 => Passive voice N4
~V使役受身      => causative-passive form N4
Conjugate verbs
[受「う」]け[身「み」] => Passive, be V-ed. N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
...を...みる => judging from; seeing that ~ N4
...を...にする => to make something ~ N4
Purpose, target
姿を見せる => figure; appearance N3
[使「し」][役「えき」][受「う」]け[身「み」] => Imperative N4
Causative, Passive, Volitional
...が...を...みせる => make it look like... N4
Base, base
を…とする => is considered, is regarded as N2
Consider it
をはじめ/をはじめとする => For example, A N2
Lists, Examples
... ところをみると => judging from; seeing that ~ N3
ふりをする => to pretend; to act as if ~ N3