をはじめ/をはじめとする => For example, A N2
Lists, Examples
つつある => In the middle of A; in the process of A N2
Time, Situation
[通「とお」]り/[通「とお」]り => In the way A; The same as A, B; As described by A, B N2
めったにない => Rarely N3
Degree. Level, Amount
[続「つづ」]ける => continues, to continue to N4
Secondary Verb
[命令「めいれい」] => Do A (command) N4
Can, Should, Must
[始「はじ」]める => To begin to A; A begins N4
Secondary Verb
つつ/つつも => While A, B. Although A (is beng done), B N2
Information, Report
を[通「とお」]じて/を[通「とお」]して => Over the course of A, during the time A, Through (as a means) A N2
ため(に) => For, because… N4
Cause and Effect
つ~つ => Doing A and B (repeatedly, one after another) N1
Information, Report
ずくめ => Completely A, entirely A N1
Degree/ Level/Amount