再び => again; once more N2
手前 => considering; before; in front of; one’s standpoint N1
たび(に) => whenever; every time ~ N3
及び => and; as well as ~ N2
のが上手 => to be good at doing something N5
のが下手 => to be bad at doing something N5
~と(が)相まって => combining / together with… N1
たびに => Every time N3
Time, Situation
に相違ない => without a doubt; certain; sure N2
~にしのびない (~に忍びない)      => cannot bring oneself (to do); unable to bear ~ N1
に[相違「そうい」]ない => No doubt N2
Information, Report
と[相「あい」]まって => Along with A N1
Lists, examples