たいがい => in general N2
Repetition, habit
ていただきたい => I would like you to... N3
~たいしたことはない => trivial,not amounting to much N1
Emphasize the negative meaning
たいてい => mostly; ordinarily; usually; generally​ N2
Story topic
みたいだ => It seems N3
たいした ... ではない => not ... considerable; great; important; significant; a big deal N2
Emphasis on degree
いったん~ば/と/たら   => Once you do something N2
Necessity, obligation
たいした ... だ => considerable; great; important; significant; a big deal N2
みたい => like; similar to; resembling ~ N3
...たいんですが => want N4
How to say the beginning
...といった => like; such as ~ N2
Line up, list
みたい => like; similar to; resembling ~ N3
Demonstrate by example