~くらいで      => only N1
くらいの => Approximate~ N3
Emphasis on degree
くらい/ぐらい => approximately, about, almost N5
くらいなら/ぐらいなら => rather than (do …)​ N1
Nくらい => about; approximately N N3
Emphasis on degree
どのくらい => how long N5
いくら => no matter how (Undetermined) N4
いくら => no matter how (Question) N4
…くらいだから => Because (to the extent of) ... N3
Base, base
からつくる/でつくる => made from; made with N4
いくら~ても => no matter how ~ N3
くらい/ぐらい => approximately; about; around; to the extent ~ N3