どおり => in that way N3
Base, base
通り (とおり/どおり) => in the same way as; in the way; as ~ N2
...どおし => Throughout N3
とおり => Several ways N4
Means and methods
どうりで => indeed,it's no wonder N2
Base, base
…どうりがない => No reason... N2
Emphasize negative meaning
~どおしだ(通しだ)      => do something all the time N1
[通「とお」]り/[通「とお」]り => In the way A; The same as A, B; As described by A, B N2
かとおもうほど => a thing reaches such a terrible level N2
For example, simile
…とばかりおもっていた => Thought that ... N3
~おりからの ... => when; at the time; on the occasion ~ N1
[折「おり」]には => When A, at the time A N2
Time, Situation