...かける => Impact N3
に[難「むずか」]くない => It's not hard to A N1
Adjectival, Descriptions
...を...みる => judging from; seeing that ~ N4
...を...にする => to make something ~ N4
Purpose, target
姿を見せる => figure; appearance N3
における => in; at (place) N2
をきっかけに/を契機に => with… as a start; as a result of; taking advantage of N2
...が...を...みせる => make it look like... N4
Base, base
を…とする => is considered, is regarded as N2
Consider it
なるたけ => as much as possible N3
Limit, limit
をはじめ/をはじめとする => For example, A N2
Lists, Examples
を[契機「けいき」] => As a good opportunity A, (do) B N2
Information, Report