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Details of the kanji “然り乍ら”
Kanji radicals: 乍
訓: -なが.ら たちま.ち
音: サ サク
Number of strokes: 5
Component set: 𠂉 , 二 NHỊ, 丨 CỔN
  • 그렇지만; 그럼에도 불구하고; 동안; ~ 동안; 둘 다; 모두
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Kanji radicals: 然
訓: しか しか.り しか.し さ
音: ゼン ネン
Number of strokes: 12
Component set: 犬 KHUYỂN, ⺼ , 灬 HỎA
  • 말하자면; 그래서; 그렇다면; 그 경우; 잘
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