Detail word “リスク”
icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
icon TodaiiJapanese
Obstetricians also bear a high risk of suits.
icon TodaiiJapanese
Sleep deprivation increases risk of heart attacks.
◆ risk
icon TodaiiJapanese
The risk is too great.
icon TodaiiJapanese
"Risk money" refers to funds placed in investments that seek high-return,although high-risk, investments.
icon TodaiiJapanese
It's too risky.
icon TodaiiJapanese
The risk is too great.
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icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ RISC (reduced instruction set computer)
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