Detail word “不完全”
icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
☆ kind. n
◆ imperfect, incomplete, faulty, defective
icon TodaiiJapanese
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustionof carbon compounds.
icon TodaiiJapanese
Partly because he could not receive enough information, Harper's descriptionremains imperfect.
icon TodaiiJapanese
Perception is based, to a very large extent, on conceptual models - which arealways inadequate, often incomplete and sometimes profoundly wrong.
  • 完全
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The kanji
不 「フ ブ」
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Kanji radicals:
音: フ ブ
全 「ゼン」
icon Todaii Japanese
Kanji radicals:
訓: まった.く すべ.て
音: ゼン
完 「カン」
icon Todaii Japanese
Kanji radicals:
音: カン