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to come near, to let someone approach
Detail word “寄せる”
icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ Ichidan verb
☆ kind. vt
◆ to come near, to let someone approach
◆ to bring near, to bring together, to collect, to gather
◆ to deliver (opinion, news, etc.), to send (e.g. a letter), to contribute, to donate
◆ to let someone drop by
◆ to add (numbers)
◆ to have feelings for (love, good will, trust, etc.)
◆ to rely upon for a time, to depend on
◆ to use as a pretext
◆ to put aside
◆ to press, to push, to force
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The kanji
寄 「キ」
icon Todaii Japanese
Kanji radicals:
訓: よ.る -よ.り よ.せる