Detail word “戦う”
icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ Godan verb with 'u' ending
☆ kind. vi
◆ to make war (on), to wage war (against), to go to war (with), to fight (with), to do battle (against)
◆ to compete (against)
◆ to struggle (against adversities, etc.), to fight, to contend, to resist
icon TodaiiJapanese
The soldiers lost the courage to fight.
icon TodaiiJapanese
The soldiers lost the courage to fight.
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The kanji
戦 「セン」
icon Todaii Japanese
Kanji radicals:
訓: いくさ たたか.う おのの.く そよ.ぐ わなな.く
音: セン