べいカリフォルニア銃乱射じゅうらんしゃ ギャング抗争こうそう原因げんいん
2022-04-07 11:02:06
騎士Satria 08:04 07/04/2022
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べいカリフォルニア銃乱射じゅうらんしゃ ギャング抗争こうそう原因げんいん
label.tran_page U.S. California mass shooting gang conflict is the cause


label.tran_page It is possible that the mass shootings that killed six people in California, USA, were triggered by a gangster conflict.

label.tran_page Before dawn on the 3rd, people walking on the road in the center of Sacramento were exposed to more than 100 ammunition, killing 6 people and injuring 12 people.

label.tran_page A brother in his twenties has been arrested for being involved in this case, but police are continuing the investigation, assuming that there are other suspects.

label.tran_page The Los Angeles Times reported on the 6th that the incident may have been a gangster conflict from an interview with the prosecution officials.

label.tran_page A video showing the automatic rifle used in the crime by a suspect arrested a few hours before the incident was posted on SNS.

label.tran_page The mayor said, ”I’ve spent tens of millions of dollars so far, but I need to increase it further” about crime deterrence by gangsters.