2020-09-30 15:05:03Z
Anonymous 03:10 01/10/2020
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label.tran_page ”Girl statue” installed in Berlin public space


label.tran_page For the first time, a ”girl statue” symbolizing the comfort women issue was set up on a public land managed by the city of Berlin, the capital of Germany.

label.tran_page The ”girl statue” was installed in a public space facing the road in a residential area near the center of Berlin, and the unveiling ceremony was held on the 28th.
label.tran_page It was planned by German Korean civil society groups that raise the issue of comfort women, and it is said that the installation permission was obtained from the city of Berlin for a period of one year.

label.tran_page In Germany, there have been cases where it was installed on private land, but this is the first time on public land.

label.tran_page The inscription on the pedestal of the statue explains that ”the Japanese army forced girls and women into sexual slavery”, but the city of Berlin should just convey a message against sexual violence against women.