社会保障給付費しゃかいほしょうきゅうふひ 過去最高かこさいこう121兆円ちょうえん
2020-10-19 11:02:03Z
Wai Hin Hein 12:10 19/10/2020
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社会保障給付費しゃかいほしょうきゅうふひ 過去最高かこさいこう121兆円ちょうえん
label.tran_page Social security benefit expenses record high of 121 trillion yen


label.tran_page According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the social security benefit expenses allocated to pensions, medical care, long-term care, etc. in FY2018 were 121,540.8 billion yen, an increase of more than 1.3 trillion yen from the previous year, a record high, 1950. It has been increasing since the year
label.tran_page By field, pensions accounted for 45.5% and exceeded 55 trillion yen.
label.tran_page In addition, the growth rate is highest for long-term care, which is influenced by the progress of aging.