移民船いみんせん転覆てんぷくすくなくとも140人死亡にんしぼう 今年最多ことしさいた犠牲者ぎせいしゃ
2020-10-30 15:05:11Z
Anonymous 21:10 30/10/2020
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移民船いみんせん転覆てんぷくすくなくとも140人死亡にんしぼう 今年最多ことしさいた犠牲者ぎせいしゃ
label.tran_page Immigrant ship capsized, killing at least 140 people, the most casualties this year


label.tran_page A ship carrying migrants capsized off the coast of Senegal in West Africa, killing at least 140 people
label.tran_page The United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) revealed on the 29th
label.tran_page The number of migrant vessels sailing on this route has skyrocketed, but the number of casualties from this capsizing was the highest this year.


label.tran_page According to the IOM announcement, about 200 people were on board the ship.
label.tran_page It is reported that the Senegalese and Spanish navies and nearby fishing boats rescued 59 people and recovered 20 bodies.


label.tran_page The ship departed Mbour in western Senegal for the Spanish Canary Islands, but a fire broke out hours after the departure and capsized off Saint Louis in northwestern Senegal.