石川いしかわ 七尾ななお ボランティアの宿泊しゅくはく拠点きょてん テントむら設営せつえいはじまる
3/21/2024 12:26:55 PM +09:00
Anonymous 04:03 21/03/2024
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石川いしかわ 七尾ななお ボランティアの宿泊しゅくはく拠点きょてん テントむら設営せつえいはじまる
label.tran_page Ishikawa Nanao Volunteer accommodation base Tent village construction begins
label.tran_page In Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, which was severely damaged by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, construction began on the 21st of a tent village that will serve as a lodging base for volunteers.