警官けいかんに「レプリカじゅうけた少年射殺しょうねんしゃさつ べいニューヨークしゅう
2024-07-02 16:00:24
Anonymous 03:07 03/07/2024
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警官けいかんに「レプリカじゅうけた少年射殺しょうねんしゃさつ べいニューヨークしゅう
label.tran_page Boy shot dead after pointing replica gun at police in New York, US


label.tran_page When three police officers were patrolling near the crime scene of a robbery that occurred in New York State, U.S.A., they discovered two 13-year-old boys who matched the description of the suspects.

label.tran_page The next moment a police officer approaches the boy to perform a physical examination, he chases after the boy who ran away.
label.tran_page Suddenly, the boy turned around and saw something like a gun in his hand...

label.tran_page One police officer immediately pushed the boy down, and the other fired a single shot.
label.tran_page The boy was shot in the chest and died on the way to a hospital.

label.tran_page Further investigation revealed that the gun the boy had taken out was a replica gun.

label.tran_page According to local media, the boy who died was a refugee from the Karen ethnic minority, born in Myanmar, and was attending a junior high school in the city.

label.tran_page All three police officers have been ordered to take leave of absence, but there is growing opposition from residents, including demonstrations in front of the police station.