やま遭難そうなん 去年きょねんは3568にんいままででいちばんおお
2024-06-14 12:00:00
dolphin 12:06 14/06/2024
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Cali T 23:06 19/06/2024
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やま遭難そうなん 去年きょねんは3568にんいままででいちばんおお
label.tran_page Mountain disasters last year: 3,568 people, the highest number ever


label.tran_page According to the National Police Agency, 3,568 people lost their lives in the mountains last year and were injured or died.
label.tran_page This is an increase of 62 people from the previous year, the highest number ever.
label.tran_page A total of 335 people lost their lives and lost their whereabouts in the mountains, 8 more than the previous year.
label.tran_page 145 foreigners were stranded, the highest number ever.


label.tran_page Approximately half of those who lost their lives were over 60 years old, with the largest number being in their 70s.
label.tran_page Many people have lost their lives on mountains that are famous for sightseeing, such as Mt. Fuji and Mt. Takao.


label.tran_page The number of people lost during the coronavirus pandemic was decreasing, but it is increasing again.
label.tran_page It’s going to be a good season to climb mountains.
label.tran_page The National Police Agency wants you to make a plan that suits your abilities and make sure you have everything you need.