新型しんがたコロナウイルス 妊娠にんしんしている女性じょせいえている
2022-08-02 12:00:00
Anonymous 02:08 03/08/2022
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新型しんがたコロナウイルス 妊娠にんしんしている女性じょせいえている
label.tran_page New coronavirus The number of pregnant women is increasing.


label.tran_page With the rapid spread of the new coronavirus, more and more pregnant women are contracting the virus.


label.tran_page The Tokyo Midwives Association is calling women who contracted the virus during pregnancy to ask if they have a fever or cough.
label.tran_page By the 22nd, July made three times as many calls as in June


label.tran_page According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, in healthy women, even if they catch the virus during pregnancy, the symptoms are generally the same as in non-pregnant women.
label.tran_page However, if the virus spreads after the belly grows, the symptoms may get worse.
label.tran_page For this reason, the government is asking pregnant women to consult a doctor even if they have mild cold-like symptoms.


label.tran_page The Tokyo Midwives Association says to call the fever consultation center if you can’t find a hospital when you have a high fever.
label.tran_page You can consult 24 hours a day, even on Sundays.8

電話番号でんわばんごう 03-6258-5780、03-5320-4592

label.tran_page Phone number 03-6258-5780, 03-5320-4592