中学生ちゅうがくせいつけたニホンオオカミのはくせい 博物館はくぶつかんせる
2024-05-22 11:55:00
jp.ultima0327.switch 12:05 22/05/2024
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dino 17:05 22/05/2024
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Anonymous 00:05 23/05/2024
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中学生ちゅうがくせいつけたニホンオオカミのはくせい 博物館はくぶつかんせる
label.tran_page Stuffed Japanese wolf found by junior high school students displayed at museum


label.tran_page It is said that an animal called the Japanese wolf existed in Japan until about 100 years ago.


label.tran_page Hinako Komori, a second-year junior high school student, saw a stuffed animal held by a museum four years ago when she was in elementary school and thought it looked like a Japanese wolf.
label.tran_page Museums long thought this stuffed animal was a different animal


label.tran_page Ms. Komori investigated with experts.
label.tran_page And this year, it was announced that there is a high possibility that the Japanese wolf lived at Ueno Zoo over 100 years ago.


label.tran_page The National Museum of Nature and Science in Ueno, Tokyo, has been showing off this taxidermy to everyone since the 21st of this month.
label.tran_page It can be seen in a special exhibition until June 16th


label.tran_page Komori said, ``I’m happy because I can let a lot of people know about Japanese wolves.’’
label.tran_page It’s cute, so please come and see it.’’