終末しゅうまつ氷河ひょうが」のしたおうせる海水かいすい海面上昇かいめんじょうしょう悪化あっかさせる可能性かのうせい 新研究しんけんきゅう
2024-05-22 10:30:27
Anonymous 06:05 23/05/2024
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終末しゅうまつ氷河ひょうが」のしたおうせる海水かいすい海面上昇かいめんじょうしょう悪化あっかさせる可能性かのうせい 新研究しんけんきゅう
label.tran_page Seawater surging beneath the ``Doomsday Glacier’’ could worsen sea level rise - new research


label.tran_page Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica has been found to be flooded with seawater for several kilometers beneath the glacier, making it more susceptible to melting than previously thought.
label.tran_page A new study uses radar data from space to take X-ray images of this glacier.


label.tran_page According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the 20th, ”active melting” is occurring under glaciers due to the inflow of relatively warm salty seawater, leading to underestimations of global sea level rise. It is said that there is a possibility that it has been evaluated.


label.tran_page Thwaites Glacier is nicknamed the ”glacier of the end” because its collapse could cause catastrophic sea level rise.
label.tran_page The world’s largest glacier, with an area comparable to the US state of Florida, is also said to be the most fragile and unstable glacier in Antarctica.
label.tran_page This is mainly because the terrain where the glacier is located slopes downward, and seawater eats away at the ice.


label.tran_page Already responsible for 4% of global sea level rise, Thwaites Glacier has enough ice to raise sea levels by more than 60 centimeters.
label.tran_page Scientists estimate that if Thwaites Glacier were to completely collapse, the ultimate sea level rise would be about 3 meters, as the glacier also acts as a natural dam to hold back the surrounding ice in West Antarctica. ing


label.tran_page A team of glaciologists led by scientists from the University of California, Irvine created X-ray images of glaciers using high-resolution satellite radar data collected between March and June last year.
label.tran_page This enabled them to understand changes in Thwaites Glacier’s ”grounding line” (the point at which the glacier rises from the ocean floor and becomes an ice shelf floating in the ocean).
label.tran_page The grounding line is essential to the stability of the ice sheet and is an important point indicative of Thwaites Glacier’s vulnerability, but it has been difficult to investigate until now.


label.tran_page The team observed seawater flowing for miles beneath the glacier and flowing out again as the tides rose and fell.
label.tran_page When seawater flows in, it pushes the surface of the glacier up several centimeters.


label.tran_page The researchers suggested that the term ”grounding zone” is more appropriate than grounding line, as the study found that the grounding line can move nearly 4 miles during a 12-hour tidal cycle. are doing


label.tran_page The speed of seawater moving large distances in a short time accelerates the melting of glaciers
label.tran_page This is because as soon as the ice melts, freshwater is washed away and replaced by warmer seawater.


label.tran_page ”This process, which introduces vast amounts of seawater over a wide area, will increase the predicted sea level rise from Antarctica,” the researchers say.