晴海はるみマンション 投資とうし使つかわれた部屋へやある
2024-05-31 11:55:00
Felis Chandralaksmi 09:05 31/05/2024
0 1
Terrence Glover 14:06 01/06/2024
0 0
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晴海はるみマンション 投資とうし使つかわれた部屋へやある
label.tran_page There is a room used for investing in a condominium in Harumi


label.tran_page The new apartment in Harumi in Chuo -ku, Tokyo is a building where players stayed at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
label.tran_page The Tokyo Metropolitan Government was sold so that family could live


label.tran_page However, when NHK investigated, it was found that there were rooms that the company bought and used for investment instead of family.
label.tran_page I lent and sell about 20%of 491 in 2690 rooms to other people.


label.tran_page The price of the room was about 1.5 to twice as much as I bought
label.tran_page Some people sold the rooms they bought for 1905 million yen for 238 million yen.


label.tran_page The couple who applied for a lottery to live in this apartment and did not hit the couple, I do not want to use the Olympic heritage for investment.
label.tran_page I wanted the city to think carefully so that people who want to live can buy.