アテネがオレンジいろまった ヘルシンキは銀世界ぎんせかい
2024-04-25 10:30:26
Anonymous 10:04 25/04/2024
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アテネがオレンジいろまった ヘルシンキは銀世界ぎんせかい
label.tran_page The day Athens was dyed orange, Helsinki was a silver world


label.tran_page On the 23rd, cities in Southern Europe, including Greece’s capital Athens, were covered in orange hues due to sand blown in from the Sahara Desert in North Africa.
label.tran_page On the other hand, unseasonably heavy snow fell in parts of Northern Europe on this day, leaving Helsinki, the capital of Finland, completely covered in snow.


label.tran_page Greek authorities temporarily warned of health risks
label.tran_page According to meteorological authorities, the sand flying is expected to begin to subside by the morning of the 24th.


label.tran_page Some people walked around the city in the evening and took photos of the bright orange scenery and posted them on social media.
label.tran_page One post quoted a meteorologist saying Athens looked like a ”Martian colony”