フラミンゴのたまごまもれ 機内きない孵卵器ふらんき故障こしょう乗員じょういん機転きてんいのちつなぐ
2024-02-12 07:10:02
Anonymous 01:02 12/02/2024
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フラミンゴのたまごまもれ 機内きない孵卵器ふらんき故障こしょう乗員じょういん機転きてんいのちつなぐ
label.tran_page Save the flamingo eggs: The incubator breaks down on board the flight, and the crew’s quick thinking saves their lives.


label.tran_page Six flamingo eggs were saved on an Alaska Airlines flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to a zoo in Seattle, Washington, thanks to the quick thinking of a flight attendant and the help of passengers.


label.tran_page Six eggs selected at the Atlanta zoo were donated last August to Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo, which is devoid of breeding flamingos.
label.tran_page The zoo’s zookeepers planned to incubate the eggs in a portable incubator before transporting them by plane from Atlanta to Seattle, a roughly six-hour flight.


label.tran_page However, the incubator broke down during the flight.


label.tran_page The keeper immediately called for help and explained the situation to flight attendant Amber May.


label.tran_page May found a pair of rubber gloves in the galley, filled them with hot water, and returned to the keeper.


label.tran_page The two wrapped the eggs in gloves filled with hot water and built a warm nest.
label.tran_page Passengers nearby also offered coats and scarves to keep warm.


label.tran_page May continued to check on the eggs until they reached their destination, and once the water had cooled, she replaced them with new gloves.