Japanese newspaper
フランス 女性じょせい中絶権利ちゅうぜつけんり憲法明記けんぽうめいきへ 「自分じぶんからだコントロールする自由じゆう憲法けんぽう
2024-03-02 11:02:03
Marina Lopez 12:03 02/03/2024
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Anonymous 00:03 03/03/2024
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フランス 女性じょせい中絶権利ちゅうぜつけんり憲法明記けんぽうめいきへ 「自分じぶんからだコントロールする自由じゆう憲法けんぽう
label.tran_page The right of French women in the constitutional statement Freedom to control your body is the constitution


label.tran_page In the French Congress, a bill was passed in the constitution that women were freedom to abort.
label.tran_page It is expected to be officially adopted on March 4th

フランス デュポン・モレッティ法務相ほうむしょう
label.tran_page French Dupon Moretti Minister This voting is historic

label.tran_page The French Congress Saigen in favor of the constitution on the 28th, in favor of the French Congress on the 28th, in favor of the French Congress on the constitution on the 28th.

label.tran_page France has enacted law to legalize artificial abortion in the 1970s, but the US Federal Supreme Court overturns the right of women`s artificial abortions in 2022, and has threatened the freedom of women in each country.Showed a sense of crisis

label.tran_page The bill is expected to be officially adopted on March 4th, and President Macron states on SNS that he will make an irreplaceable woman`s freedom in the constitution to make it irreversible.