ハワイ州知事しゅうちじ 山火事やまかじ死者ししゃ97にん修正しゅうせい 国防総省こくぼうそうしょう人類学者じんるいがくしゃがDNA鑑定かんてい照合しょうごう
2023-09-19 07:10:02
Sarah Little 00:09 19/09/2023
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ハワイ州知事しゅうちじ 山火事やまかじ死者ししゃ97にん修正しゅうせい 国防総省こくぼうそうしょう人類学者じんるいがくしゃがDNA鑑定かんてい照合しょうごう
label.tran_page Hawaii Governor’s wildfire death toll revised to 97, confirmed by DNA testing by Department of Defense anthropologist.


label.tran_page The governor of Hawaii has revised the death toll to at least 97 people and revealed that 31 people are missing in the massive wildfires that occurred on the Hawaiian island of Maui in August.

 ハワイしゅう グリーン知事ちじ:「犠牲者数ぎせいしゃすう想定そうてい115にんから97にんりました」

label.tran_page Anthropologists at the U.S. Department of Defense conducted DNA tests on the bodies, which revealed that the bodies, which were thought to belong to different people, were actually the same person, leading to a reduction in the number of deaths.

label.tran_page It also stated that the number of missing persons has increased to 31.

label.tran_page The governor also announced that the more than 7,000 residents who are still living in hotels and other shelters will be guided to temporary housing starting next month.
