科学かがく 日本にっぽん研究けんきゅう後追あとおい」に
2023-09-20 15:00:08
2018pcmail 11:09 20/09/2023
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科学かがく 日本にっぽん研究けんきゅう後追あとおい」に
label.tran_page Science “following” Japanese research


label.tran_page A team from the University of Tokyo and other institutions has announced the results of a survey showing that Japanese researchers are on average one to one and a half years behind the world’s most cutting-edge researchers when tackling a certain research topic.


label.tran_page He says that his ability to engage in cutting-edge research has declined, that he has fallen out of the world’s top group, and that he is being ``followed’’ by countries such as the United States when it comes to choosing topics.
label.tran_page It has been pointed out that this may be due to the fact that it is easier to receive research funding by saying things like ``this is research that is being done in the United States’’ rather than emphasizing the uniqueness of the theme.’’