インドの無人探査機むじんたんさき 月面着陸げつめんちゃくりく成功せいこう 世界せかい4国目こくめ
2023-08-27 07:10:02
Sagar Prajapati 05:08 27/08/2023
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インドの無人探査機むじんたんさき 月面着陸げつめんちゃくりく成功せいこう 世界せかい4国目こくめ
label.tran_page India’s unmanned spacecraft successfully landed on the moon 4th country in the world


label.tran_page In Hong Kong, where the import ban on marine products from 10 prefectures was announced, the local Japanese restaurant association issued a statement titled ”To all Hong Kong citizens” and appealed that Japanese food is safe.

 香港日本料理店協会ほんこんにっぽんりょうりてんきょうかい 氷室利夫会長ひむろとしおかいちょう:「今後こんご香港市民ほんこんしみん皆様みなさま安心あんしんして日本文化にっぽんぶんかたのしんでいただくよう全力ぜんりょくくしてまいります」


label.tran_page In response to this announcement, the Hong Kong Japanese Restaurant Association, which consists of 100 restaurants and other companies, issued a statement titled ”To the citizens of Hong Kong.”


label.tran_page ”We are deeply aware of the release of treated water and the Hong Kong government’s import restrictions,” the statement said, adding that ”we will continue to provide our customers with marine products from areas that are not subject to regulations.” Masu


label.tran_page In Hong Kong, many people like to eat sashimi, and with more than 2,000 Japanese restaurants operating, Japanese cuisine is one of the most popular in the world.

