2023-10-03 07:10:02
Jade Choi 01:10 10/10/2023
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label.tran_page Princess Hachikatsugi


label.tran_page There was a beautiful princess in Katano, Kawachikuni.
label.tran_page The princess`s mother had been sick in bed for a long time, and she was worried about the fate of her princess after she died, so she went to pray to Kannon, and she was told to place her bowl on the princess`s head.
label.tran_page Her mother did as she had been told, and covered the princess with her bowl, and within days she died.


label.tran_page Her father tries to take the princess`s bowl off, saying it`s unseemly, but for some reason he can`t take it off.
label.tran_page After a while, her father remarried, and her new mother, seeing the princess`s bowl, became creepy and ordered her servants to abandon the princess far away from her.
label.tran_page The princess wandered from place to place for many years until life became too difficult for her and she threw herself into the river.


label.tran_page The next morning, a young samurai passed by the riverbank, rescued the princess, and took her back to her mansion.
label.tran_page The princess ended up working there, but one night she found a koto in the storehouse, and as she was playing it, feeling nostalgic for the past, a young prince heard the sound.
label.tran_page The young prince feels that the princess is of noble birth and asks about her background.
label.tran_page Her princess told her young prince about her life.


label.tran_page After that, she talks to the young prince about marriage, but the young prince says that he wants to marry her, the Princess Hachikatsugi, and her parents are fiercely against it.
label.tran_page At the moment when the young father pulled out his sword and swung his sword to kill the pot-cutting princess, her pot shone and shattered into small pieces, and a beautiful princess appeared from inside, along with many gold and silver treasures.
label.tran_page The princess was married to this young prince and lived happily ever after.