2021-01-27 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 20:01 27/01/2021
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label.tran_page US Alphabet finishes internet service plan using balloons


label.tran_page Alphabet subsidiary ”Rune” used a huge balloon to provide Internet services to people in remote areas around the world, but announced that it would shrink its business.

label.tran_page Rune’s CEO Alastair Westgarth explained that the company’s business model was not sustainable when it came to abandoning the plan.

label.tran_page Mr. Westgarth said he met a number of collaborative partners but could not find a way to reduce costs sufficiently to build a long-term sustainable business.

label.tran_page According to Rune, the company’s balloon operates as a base station that floats in the air and can cover an area about 200 times larger than facilities on the ground, and the balloon is located about 20 km above the ground.