ドイツはつのLNG基地きち完成かんせい エネルギーの“ロシア依存いぞん脱却だっきゃく足掛あしがかり
2022-12-20 11:02:05
Hayashi 09:12 20/12/2022
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ドイツはつのLNG基地きち完成かんせい エネルギーの“ロシア依存いぞん脱却だっきゃく足掛あしがかり
label.tran_page Germany’s first LNG terminal completed A stepping stone toward breaking away from ”Russian dependence” for energy


label.tran_page On the 17th, Germany’s first LNG receiving terminal was completed in Wilhelmshaven, a port town in northwestern Germany facing the North Sea, and Chancellor Scholz attended the inauguration ceremony.

label.tran_page Germany relied on Russia for 55% of its natural gas imports until February of this year, when the invasion of Ukraine began.

label.tran_page However, since the ”Nord Stream” pipeline that sent natural gas to Germany stopped at the end of August, the supply has not resumed, and Germany hastened to build an energy infrastructure to replace Russian natural gas.

label.tran_page  Germany plans to complete five more LNG receiving terminals by the winter of next year, which will cover approximately one-third of the country’s gas demand when all are operational.